My Top 3 Tips for Flawless Complexion!

Recently you’ve kept asking me what I do to keep my face skin spotless and smooth. To be honest I feel really flattered! My skin definitely has changed for the better lately. However, remember that it doesn’t look flawless all the time. When my face breaks out, I don’t post any pictures! Also, while following some girls on Instagram, keep in mind one thing: they may be using some filters making their skin look different than in reality! Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, though. Read about my never-failing ways for keeping the complexion unflawed!

1. Make-up

To be honest, the past year entailed many changes. In the past I couldn’t imagine leaving the house without make-up on. Now, I’m totally okay with going make-up-free! I apply full make-up on special occasions or when I just feel like it but it happens from time to time. Why don’t you try going bare-faced and give your skin a relief? If you stay at home and meet people only via Google Meet, why don’t you let your face rest from make-up? This is an easy way to save some time and cosmetics, plus it surely improves the skin!

2. Make-up removal

When I happen to apply make-up, I devote as much attention and time to removing it! This is a truly big step in our skincare routines. Have you noticed that we often spend hours on applying make-up but devote a couple of minutes to taking it off? This is absurd! Please do me a favor: always remember to remove it thoroughly. I know that taking make-up off is the last thing you want to do after a party but it is essential. Even Victoria’s Secret models say that sleeping with make-up on is the biggest skincare sin. I always remember these words when an idea of sleeping with makeup on crosses my mind.

3. Exfoliant

I’ve fallen in love with exfoliants! They make my face feel the smoothest ever. It shouldn’t be surprising, though. Exfoliants remove dead epidermis and clear the pores. Before getting one, make sure it goes with your skin type. I use enzyme exfoliant as it’s ideal for my dry, sensitive complexion. If you’re struggling with acute acne, be careful with exfoliation as it may make the issue worse. Also, remember to use exfoliants twice a week tops. The reason is clear: excessive exfoliation produces adverse effects, leaving the skin irritated and very dry. I use mine once a week, which is optimal for my complexion.

I guess that’s all for today. As can be seen, my routine doesn’t feature any complicated treatments or pricey items. I always repeat one thing like mantra: regular day-to-day skin care brings most benefits. The process of getting used to the routine takes around a month but it is really worthwhile!

How do you keep your face skin flawless and radiant?

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